
America's Most Prestigious Catholic Speaker Forum
Come hear the stories

Powerful, engaging, exciting, joyful, sad and in some cases almost unbelievable, yet all true—

The Stories of Catholics@Work.


The most powerful means of communication for thousands of years has been ‘story telling’. Even in this age of digital communication and social media the simple act of telling a personal story engages and motivates people of all ages. Our guest speakers are, in fact, modern day story tellers who share their faith journey and how applying core values from the Gospel and Christ’s example made a positive difference for themselves, their company or project and people whose lives they touch.


Catholics@Work breakfast forum invites individuals who are successful in their own work space be it a business office, a court room, a classroom, a hospital, a high tech company, a media company etc. to share their story about how living their Catholic Values, every day, contributed to their success.


Enjoy the rewards of sharing in a Catholics@Work story telling breakfast and then decide if you want to become a member and join us, as often as you can, for the eight breakfasts we have during the year.


The speaker series is held on the second Tuesday of the month eight times per year (February-May, September-December).

Breakfast meetings are at Crow Canyon Country Club, Danville, California,

The event starts with a buffet breakfast followed by a speaker or panel discussion and runs from 7:00-8:15 AM.   It is a great way to network with people who are also looking for purpose and leadership. Mass is offered at 6:30 AM for those who wish to attend before breakfast.

Evening events are hosted at various parishes along the 680 corridor.